
The Strategic Competence Partner of Companies

As the business community's preferred up-skilling partner, Prios Kompetanse is genuinely concerned with providing quality guidance, councelling and training at all levels.
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Our services

Courses & Training

Prios Kompetanse is the business community's preferred partner for in-house training.

Prios is genuinely concerned with adult learning and with delivering quality education to companies and individuals in working life. We have a grat experience in collaborating with the business community to offer tailor-made courses based on needs clarification. We also have also developed our own tools and methods for mapping the professional level among employees and we develop and deliver courses directly at the workplace. 

Business consulting and innovation

Prios has extensive experience with in innovation and entrepreneurship. We have some of the best advisors in entrepreneurship training and start-ups in Norway.

Prios carries out project management both for its own projects and as a hired project manager. We have specialist expertise in international projects, both in project development, applications and implementation. We have a large European network that can support most sectors. 

International Projects

Prios conduct international project management both for its own projects or as a hired project manager. We have specialist expertise in international projects, both in project development, applications and implementation expertise. We have a large European network that can support most sectors.

Software development

Based on needs for software solutions that regularly appeared in our projects, Prios established a software department in 2018 to initially cover those needs.

This has now led to us managing a collection of in-house developed software solutions that cover several areas in online learning, mapping, training, etc. 


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In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face a critical challenge: staying competitive while balancing limited resources.
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